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Associate Librarian and Scholarly Services Librarian

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Yen Tran
Lemieux Library Second Floor iDesk
Subjects: Education, Social Work

College of Science & Engineering

The College of Science and Engineering is the STEM college of Seattle University, with more than a dozen majors spanning the fields of science, mathematics, computer science, and engineering.


Dingle, Adair. (2021). Object-oriented Design Choices (First edition.). CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group.

Henrich, Allison. Lawrence, E. D., Pons, M. A., & Taylor, D. G. (2019). Living proof : stories of resilience along the mathematical journey (Henrich, E. D. Lawrence, M. A. Pons, & D. G. Taylor, Eds.). The American Mathematical Society.

Book Chapters

Ding, S., Shi, G., & Xing, Y. (2021). Estimates for Lipschitz and BMO Norms of Operators on Differential Forms. In Springer Optimization and Its Applications, 81–99. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-72563-1_5

Journal Articles

Abbasi, S., Hajabdollahi, M., Khadivi, P., Karimi, N., Roshandel, R., Shirani, S., & Samavi, S. (2021). Classification of diabetic retinopathy using unlabeled data and knowledge distillation. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, 121, 102176. doi:10.1016/j.artmed.2021.102176

Adler, I., De Loera, J. A., Klee, S., & Zhang, Z. (2021). Diameters of Cocircuit Graphs of Oriented Matroids: An Update. The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, 28(4). doi:10.37236/9653

Alberg, M., Ehinger, L., & Miller, G. A. (2022). Pions in proton structure and everywhere else. Physical Review D, 105(11)10.1103/PhysRevD.105.114054

Bouramtane, T., Kacimi, I., Bouramtane, K., Aziz, M., Abraham, S., Omari, K., … Barbiero, L. (2021). Multivariate Analysis and Machine Learning Approach for Mapping the Variability and Vulnerability of Urban Flooding: The Case of Tangier City, Morocco. Hydrology, 8(4), 182. doi:10.3390/hydrology8040182

Bruchmann, K., & LaPierre, L. (2022). Moral Foundations Predict Perceptions of Moral Permissibility of COVID-19 Public Health Guideline Violations in United States University Students. Frontiers in Psychology, 1210.3389/fpsyg.2021.795278

Buth, J. M., Ossola, R., Partanen, S. B., McNeill, K., Arnold, W. A., O’Connor, M., & Latch, D. E. (2021). Kinetics and Pathways of the Aqueous Photolysis of Pharmaceutical Pollutants: A Versatile Laboratory or Remote Learning Investigation. Journal of Chemical Education, 98(7), 2411–2418. doi:10.1021/acs.jchemed.0c01398

Cain, C. N., Haughn, N. J., Purcell, H. J., Marney, L. C., Synovec, R. E., Thoumsin, C. T., Jackels, S.Skogerboe, K. J. (2021). Analytical Determination of the Severity of Potato Taste Defect in Roasted East African Arabica Coffee. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 69(7), 2253–2261. doi:10.1021/acs.jafc.1c00605

Carter, J. D., Kalisch, H., Kharif, C., & Abid, M. (2022). The cubic vortical Whitham equation. Wave Motion, 110, 102883. doi:11010.1016/j.wavemoti.2022.102883

Chak, S. T. C., Harris, S. E., Hultgren, K. M., Jeffery, N. W., & Rubenstein, D. R. (2021). Eusociality in snapping shrimps is associated with larger genomes and an accumulation of transposable elements. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 118(24), e2025051118. doi:10.1073/pnas.2025051118

Cove, M. V., Kays, R., Bontrager, H., Bresnan, C., Lasky, M., Frerichs, T., Jordan, M. … Crupi, A. P. (2021). SNAPSHOT USA 2019: a coordinated national camera trap survey of the United States. Ecology, 102(6). doi:10.1002/ecy.3353

Dhungana, B., Lohani, S. P., & Marsolek, M. (2022). Anaerobic Co-Digestion of Food Waste with Livestock Manure at Ambient Temperature: A Biogas Based Circular Economy and Sustainable Development Goals. Sustainability, 14(6). doi:10.3390/su14063307

Fontana, P. W. (2022). Hidden Dissipation and Irreversibility in Maxwell's Demon. Entropy, 24(1). doi:10.3390/e24010093

Gorman, J. C., Tufte, O. L., Miller, A. V. R., DeBello, W. M., Peña, J. L., & Fischer, B. J. (2021). Diverse processing underlying frequency integration in midbrain neurons of barn owls. PLOS Computational Biology, 17(11), e1009569. doi:10.1371/journal.pcbi.1009569

Hartley, R. S., Bredehoeft, M., & Erickson, J. (2021). Seasonal changes in flock size and winter flower-foraging habits of Bushtits (Psaltriparus minimus) in Washington state. Wilson Journal of Ornithology, 133(3), 463-467. 10.1676/19-00097

Henrich, A. (2021). John Edmark: Art in Motion. Mathematics Magazine, 94(1), 65–68. doi:10.1080/0025570x.2021.1843890

Henrich, A., Johnson, I., & Ostroff, J. (2021). The region smoothing swap game. Osaka Journal of Mathematics, 58(1), 171-187.

Hultgren, K. M., Chak, S. T. C., Bjelajac, J., & Macdonald, K. S. (2021). Correlated evolution of larval development, egg size and genome size across two genera of snapping shrimp. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 34(11), 1827–1839. doi:10.1111/jeb.13945

Hultgren, K. M., Foxx, C. L., & Theil, E. P. (2022). Host-associated morphological convergence in symbiotic pea crabs. Evolutionary Ecology, 36(2), 273-286. 10.1007/s10682-022-10153-0

Hultgren, K. M., Ossentjuk, L., Hendricks, K., & Serafin, A. (2021). Crustacean diversity in the Puget Sound: reconciling species, phylogenetic, and functional diversity. Marine Biodiversity, 51(2). doi:10.1007/s12526-021-01172-1

Karimi, M., Nejati, M., Khadivi, P., Karimi, N., & Samavi, S. (2021). No-reference stereo image quality assessment based on discriminative sparse representation. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 80(21-23), 33033–33053. doi:10.1007/s11042-021-11322-z

Klee, S., & Stamps, M. T. (2022). Eigenvalues of Graph Laplacians Via Rank-One Perturbations. Quarterly Journal of Mathematics, 73(2), 609-616. 10.1093/qmath/haab045

Juganda, A., Strebinger, C., Brune, J. F., & Bogin, G. E. (2022). Computational Fluid Dynamics Modeling of a Methane Gas Explosion in a Full-Scale, Underground Longwall Coal Mine. Mining Metallurgy & Exploration, 39(3), 897-916. 10.1007/s42461-022-00587-z

Larsen, B., Lehmann, H., Park, A., & Robertson, L. (2021). On prime labelings of Fibonacci trees. Involve, a Journal of Mathematics, 14(4), 595–603. doi:10.2140/involve.2021.14.595

Luyten, Y. A., Hausman, D. E., Young, J. C., Doyle, L. A., Higashi, K. M., Ubilla-Rodriguez, N. C., Lambert, A. R., Arroyo, C. S., Forsberg, K. J., Morgan, R. D., Stoddard, B. L., & Kaiser, B. K. (2022). Identification and characterization of the WYL BrxR protein and its gene as separable regulatory elements of a BREX phage restriction system. Nucleic Acids Research, 50(9), 5171-5190. 10.1093/nar/gkac311

MacLean, M. S., & Penjić, S. (2021). A combinatorial basis for Terwilliger algebra modules of a bipartite distance-regular graph. Discrete Mathematics, 344(7), 112393. doi:10.1016/j.disc.2021.112393

Magle, S. B., Fidino, M., Sander, H. A., Rohnke, A. T., Larson, K. L., Gallo, T., Jordan, M., … Schell, C. J. (2021). Wealth and urbanization shape medium and large terrestrial mammal communities. Global Change Biology, 27(21), 5446–5459. doi:10.1111/gcb.15800

Magness, E., Nugent, B., & Robertson, L. (2021). Walking to infinity along gaussian lines. Integers, 16.

Nabizadeh-Shahre-Babak, Z., Karimi, N., Khadivi, P., Roshandel, R., Emami, A., & Samavi, S. (2021). Detection of COVID-19 in X-ray images by classification of bag of visual words using neural networks. Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, 68, 102750. doi:10.1016/j.bspc.2021.102750

Sanders, J. W., Jamshidi, N., Jamshidi, N., Dadfarnia, M., Subramanian, S., Sehitoglu, H., Stubbins, J., & Sofronis, P. (2022). Effects of diffusion and primary creep on intergranular cavitation at high temperatures. International Journal of Fracture, 236(2), 125-141. 10.1007/s10704-022-00640-4

Shi, G., Ding, S., & Liu, B. (2021). Characterization of the non-homogenous Dirac-harmonic equation. Journal of Inequalities and Applications, 2021(1). doi:10.1186/s13660-021-02710-y

Villafañe, S. M., Minderhout, V., Heyen, B. J., Lewis, J. E., Manley, A., Murray, T. A., … Loertscher, J. (2021). Design and Implementation of a Tool to Assess Students’ Understanding of Metabolic Pathways Dynamics and Regulation. CBE—Life Sciences Education, 20(3), ar35. doi:10.1187/cbe.20-04-0078

Xue, J., Hangun-Balkir, Y., Mullaney, M., Nadir, S., Lewis, J. C., Henry-Smith, C., Jayaratna, N. B., Kumarihami, C., & Norman, R. E.Syntheses and Structures of Fe(TPA)X-2](ClO4) and {Fe(TPA)Y}(2)O] (ClO4)(2) Where TPA =Tris-(2-pyridylmethyl)amine, X= N-3, or Br, and Y= N-3, Br, NCO, or NCS. Journal of Chemical Crystallography, 10.1007/s10870-022-00941-5

Zaug, C. R., & Carter, J. D. (2021). Dissipative models of swell propagation across the Pacific. Studies in Applied Mathematics, 147(4), 1519–1537. doi:10.1111/sapm.12423

Zeidan, Q., Loertscher, J., Wolfson, A. J., Tansey, J. T., Offerdahl, E. G., Kennelly, P. J., … Tyler, L. (2021). Development of a Certification Exam to Assess Undergraduate Students’ Proficiency in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Core Concepts. CBE—Life Sciences Education, 20(2), es6. doi:10.1187/cbe.19-12-0265


Alikhani, P., Mrad, A., Louie, H., & Tjernberg, L. B. (2021). On the Reliability and Life Cycle Cost Analyses of Small-scale Standalone Solar Systems in Rural Areas [Conference Paper]. 2021 IEEE Power & Energy Society Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference (ISGT). doi:10.1109/isgt49243.2021.9372190

Bae, W. D., Alkobaisi, S., Horak, M., Kim, S., Park, C.-S., & Chesney, M. (2021). A study of the effectiveness of transfer learning in individualized asthma risk prediction [Conference Paper]. Proceedings of the 36th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing. doi:10.1145/3412841.3442105

Carter, J. D., & Deconinck, B. (2021). Preface: Nonlinear waves in honor of Harvey Segur on the occasion of his 80th birthday [Conference Paper]. Studies in Applied Mathematics, 147(4), 1199–1208. doi:10.1111/sapm.12458

Chitsaz, K., Hajabdollahi, M., Khadivi, P., Samavi, S., Karimi, N., & Shirani, S. (2021). Use of Frequency Domain for Complexity Reduction of Convolutional Neural Networks [Conference Paper]. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 64–74. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-68799-1_5

Henderson, D. M., Carter, J. D., & Catalano, M. E. (2021). On the variation of bi‐periodic waves in the transverse direction [Conference Paper]. Studies in Applied Mathematics, 147(4), 1388–1408. doi:10.1111/sapm.12446

Sanders, J. W., Jamshidi, N., Jamshidi, N., Dadfarnia, M., Subramanian, S., & Stubbins, J. (2021). Simulation of Intergranular Void Growth Under the Combined Effects of Surface Diffusion, Grain Boundary Diffusion, and Bulk Creep [Conference Paper]. The Minerals, Metals & Materials Series, 853–863. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-65261-6_76

Yazdekhasty, P., Zindari, A., Nabizadeh-ShahreBabak, Z., Roshandel, R., Khadivi, P., Karimi, N., & Samavi, S. (2021). Bifurcated Autoencoder for Segmentation of COVID-19 Infected Regions in CT Images [Conference Paper]. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 597–607. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-68790-8_46