If you have a specific question or need more information to cite something correctly, please try one of the following resources:
Note the differences between a in-text note, and the corresponding bibliography entry:
Chapter from a single-authored book
Two or more authors should be listed in the order they appear as authors, and not necessarily alphabetically. Note the differences between the note and the bibliographic entry!
Sources that have no known author or editor should be cited by title. Follow the basic format for the note and bibliography entries, including whatever information you have available to you.
Translated Works
Print Journal Articles (yes, they still exist)
Electronic Journal Articles
If no page number exists for the journal article, just include the URL or the DOI if available. DOI in citations is formatted as doi:, all lowercase.
Anthologies & Collections
Entries in Dictionaries & Encyclopedias:
References to an alphabetically arranged work cite the item (not the volume or page number) preceded by s.v. (sub verbo, "under the word"; pl. s.vv.). If you have editor names, include those in your citation, and if not, begin with the title of the encyclopedia.
Magazines are usually cited by date only, even if numbered by volume and issue, which makes them different from journal articles. If the article has a doi, include that at the end of the citation, after the page numbers. **DOI in citations is formatted as doi:, all lowercase.
Citations may include "final edition," or "Sunday edition," etc. and section number such as sec. 1 or section title. A City name, if not part of the title of a local newspaper should be added, but not for national newspapers. The state name may be added in parenthesis if needed.
Online Newspapers
Not that different from the above example, but you should include the url at the end, both in the note and in the bibliography entry.
**For four or more authors, only the first author is included in the note, followed by et al (which means "and others"). You include all authors' names in the bibliography entry.
If you are referring to something viewed online, such as on Netflix, list the director as the author, and include an url at the end. You can include a timestamp in the note entry if you want your reader to view a specific scene or moment.
Episode of TV show:
**If you are accessing the show via a streaming service rather than on physical media, you can replace everything after the airing information with the relevant URL. This is sometimes necessary information, in both television shows and films, especially if there are extended or remastered editions in circulation.
Lastname, Firstname [or single username]. Twitter post. Month day, year (time posted). URL.
Example: @SketchesbyBoze.Twitter post. March 19, 2022 (12:54 PM). https://twitter.com/SketchesbyBoze/status/1505271621820596227
Username. Tumblr post. Month day, year posted (time posted, if available). URL.
Examples: Cheshirelibrary. Tumblr post. March 19, 20122 (1:28 PM). https://cheshirelibrary.tumblr.com/post/189230463800
Lastname, Firstname [or single username]. Instagram post. Month day, year posted. URL.
Example: Cincylibrary. Instagram post. Mar 5, 2022.https://www.instagram.com/p/CauitTKMLph/
Lastname, Firstname [or single username]. "Title of YouTube Video." YouTube video, length of video, Month day, year posted. URL.
Example: Seattle University. "Seattle University - Lemieux Library and McGoldrick Learning Commons Time-lapse." YouTube video, 0:53, Sep 13, 2010. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aY2aemMVuJI
Lastname, Firstname. Facebook post. Month day, year posted. URL
Example: Alfie Scholars. Facebook post. March 7, 2022. https://www.facebook.com/alfiescholars/posts/4748284058554312
Lastname, Firstname [or username]. "Title or caption of Tiktok Video." Video, length of video, Month day, year posted. URL.
Example: FowlervilleLibrary. "We love our Coco-bean! #librarydog #library #librarytiktok #librariesoftiktok" Video, 0:36, June 17, 2021. https://www.tiktok.com/@fowlervillelibrary/video/6974795174287363333