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Chicago/Turabian Art Citations

Print Source Captions

If the artwork appears in a published source (book, magazine, etc.), give the publication information in place of the repository or location.

A softly rendered painting of a lake with stars in the sky and reflected in the waves of the lake, painted in shades of blue and purple.

Print source Captions:

  • Format: Full name of artist, Title of work, year, in author of book, name of book (publisher location: Publisher, year of publication), page number.
  • Example: Georgia O’Keeffe, Starlight Night, 1922, in Erin B. Coe, Barbara Buhler Lynes, Modern Nature: Georgia O'Keefe and Lake George (London: Thames & Hudson, 2013),132.

A softly rendered painting of a lake with stars in the sky and reflected in the waves of the lake, painted in shades of blue and purple.

Print Source Bibliography:

Format: Artist last name, first name. Title of work, year. medium, dimensions, 
     location/institution or owner of work, city, state abbreviation.
     In Publication title, by author,

     plate or page number. Publisher city: publisher, year of publication

Example: O'Keefe, Georgia. Starlight Night, 1922. Oil on canvas, 16 x 24 in., 
     Private collection
     In Modern Nature: Georgia O'Keefe and Lake George by Erin B. Coe, Barbara Buhler Lynes
     132. London: Thames & Hudson, 2013

A abstract painting of a soft-edged bright orange square set against a bright red background.


  • Format: Artist’s First name, Last name, Title of artwork, creation date, repository name (including city and state), title of the online site, format type, URL, access date (in parentheses).
  • Example: Mark Rothko, Orange and Red on Red, 1957, The Phillips Collection, Washington DC. Artstor Database, JPG, (accessed March 28, 2022)

A Photograph of a woman of color crouched on the floor, her back to us, her head turned to the right towards the camera. She has braided hair, and is wearing a patterend high skirt and a white bra. The background is a striped curtain and a checkerboard floor. The photograph is framed by a blue-painted frame with yellow and red painted flowers.

Electronic Source:

Last name, First name. Title of work, year. Medium, dimensions, 
     Location/holder of work, city, state abbreviation.
     url, accessed
     date accessed.

Bibliography Example: 

Sidibé, Malick. Vues de dos, 2003. Photographic print in frame, 18 x 18 3/4 in., 
     J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles, CA.,
     accessed 22 Mar. 2022.