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APA Art Citations

In APA style, an image requires an in-text citation and an entry in References, just like a quotation or paraphrase. Label each image with a caption that includes the bibliographic information for the image. Give each image a figure number (Figure 1, Figure 2, etc.).

If the image is a drawing, rendering, infographic, or other illustration, include:

  • the title of the image
  • the name of the artist or illustrator
  • the date the image was created

If the image is a photograph of a building, include:

  • the name of the building
  • the name of the architect
  • the date the building was completed
  • the location of the building

If the image is a photograph or reproduction of a work of art, include:

  • the title of the artwork
  • the name of the artist
  • the date the artwork was created

If you don’t see all of this information in the caption of the image or the text around it, look for a separate list of image credits. This list is often called List of Illustrations, Illustration Credits, Image Credits, or simply Credits. In books, it may be either at the beginning or at the end of the book.

Note: Museums rarely credit an individual photographer.

At the end of the caption, insert an in-text citation citing the book, website or other source that you got the image from.

Dark painting of Saturn Devouring One of his Sons, painted with browns and greens to enhance the grotesque nature of the painting. Saturn's eyes are wide and creepy looking, and his son doesn't have a head.


  • Format: Fig. #. Artist Name. (date). Title of work. [medium]. Location of artwork. city, state/country.
  • Example: Fig. 4. Francisco de Goya. (1820-1823). Saturn Devouring One of his Sons. [mural painting transferred to canvas]. Museo del Prado, Madrid, Spain.

In-Text Citation:

  • Format: (last name, Date)
  • Example: (Goya, 1820-1823)

Reference List:

  • Format: Last name, first initial. (date). Title of work. [medium]. Location of artwork. city, state/country.
  • Example: de Goya, F. (1820-1823). Saturn Devouring One of his Sons. [mural painting transferred to canvas]. Museo del Prado, Madrid, Spain.


A dark black stone statue of stylized Egyptian people. On the left, a male figure in a headdress and beard stands shirtless with a female figure in a softer headdress and dress wraps one arm behind him and the other arm holding his left arm in a familial or intimate way.

Caption: If artist is unknown, begin with the title. If the date of creation is unknown, use (n.d.) for "no date."

  • Format: Figure #. Title of work, date (if found in book, book author, date published, page number)
  • Example: Figure 2. Menkaure and Khamerenebty royal statue, c. 2470 BCE (Bell, 2007, p.42)

In-Text Citation:

(last name, Date)

In Reference list: 

  • Format: Artist last name, first initial. (Year of book's publication). Title of artwork [Description]. Institution, Museum, or Collection, City, abbreviated Province/ State, Country. In Author/Editor's name, Book title (p. #). Publisher/s. (Original work xxxx).
  • Example: Menkaure and Khamerenebty royal statue [carved stone]. (2010). Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, MA, USA. In J. Bell, Mirror of the World: A New History of Art (p. 42). Thames & Hudson. (Original work 2470 BCE).

If citing an artwork from a website, such as a museum collection website, you should cite the work and include where it came from. Websites generally don't have page numbers, so that element is left out of the in-text citation.

A very softly painted scene of ballet dancers in fluffy yellow tutus with pink flowers, a floral background behind them.


  • Format: Figure #. Title of work, by artist First initial Last name, [medium] ca. year (museum collection, date)
  • Example: Figure 3. Yellow Dancers (In the Wings), by E. Degas, ca. 1874/76 (Art Institute of Chicago)

In-Text Citation:

(last name, Date)

Reference List: 

  • Format: Last name, First initial of first name. (Year). Title [medium]. Institution, Museum, or Collection, City, abbreviated Province/State, Country. URL
  • Example: Degas, E. (1874/76). Yellow Dancers (In the Wings) [Oil on Canvas]. Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, IL, USA.

A stone statue of the Buddha, missing its right arm, seated on a lotus pedestal with several levels of decoration..

If the artist is unknown, leave that element out of the caption, and start the citation with the title or description of the work. If the image is from a website that does not have page numbers, that element is left out of the in-text citation.


  • Format: Figure #. Title of work, by artist name, [medium] ca. year (museum collection, date)
  • Example: Figure 3. Buddha, [Limestone], ca. 618 CE–907 CE (Art Institute of Chicago)

In-Text Citation:

(last name, Date)

Reference List: 

  • Title [medium], (Year). Institution, Museum, or Collection, City, abbreviated Province/State, Country. URL
  •  Buddha [limestone], (1874/76). Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, IL, USA.