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Citing Your Sources Guide

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Subjects: Art History

Introduction to Citations

This guide covers the three main citation styles you may be asked to use while attending Seattle University. Please review the examples and information, and if you need more support, see the Style Manuals provided by the library, either in print or ebook form. 

if you are looking for instructions on citing artworks, photographs, or visual media, check the Citing Artworks or Images Section, sorted by citation style. 

Key Terms

Key terms:

Manual of Style: This refers to a detailed guide to a particular citation style, such as the Chicago Manual of Style. These get updated regularly, so be sure to check with your professor which edition they want you to use for your assignments.

DOI: Digital object identifier, which is a specific code that corresponds to a digital object like an article or ebook.

ORCID ID: Similar to a DOI, the ORCID ID is a specific code that corresponds to a specific author/researcher. 

et al: Means "and others" in latin. This is sometimes used in citations when there are more than a certain number of authors.

Citation: A citation is a collection of information that tells your reader that certain material in your work came from another source. It also gives your reader all the information necessary to find the location of any source included in your reference list/bibliography/works cited.

Useful Differences between Citation Styles

Differences between APA, MLA, and Chicago:

APA: The list of citations at the end is called a Reference List.

MLA: The list of citations at the end is called a Works Cited.

Chicago/Turabian: The list of citations at the end is called a Bibliography.