Microforms represent an older form version of digital scanning, used in order to save space and preserve documents. Although many historical documents are now scanned and formatted for the Internet, many historical documents and sets are still in this format.
There are two common types of microforms: Microfilms (reel) or Microfiche (card). The original document is photographed, shrunk and printed on one of these formats. To view and print, use the microfilm scanner which is connected to a computer and saves the images as pdf.
In the Lemieux Library, most of the microforms are located on the 5th fl. in the microform cabinets. However, some sets which were packaged in book form are shelved with the books.
The microfilm scanner is located on the 3rd fl. If you need help, please ask on the 3rd fl.
If your document source has a finding aid, you will find the finding aid on the 2nd fl shelved by call number in the Reference Collection.