JSTOR (short for Journal Storage) started as a project to digitized academic journals in a variety of subject areas as a preservation tool for future researchers.
Unlike most databases, JSTOR starts with the first issue of a journal and does not have access to its most recent publications. Instead, journal issues are typically added to JSTOR 3 to 5 years after publication in what is referred to as a moving wall.
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Click on the ADVANCED Search tab under the opening dialog box
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What does JSTOR search?
A full-text search in JSTOR searches the entire article; options include title, caption, author, and abstract.
How do I specify that my terms are near to each other?
In this search, genocide and Darfur are required to be within 5 words of each other. You can also use near 10, near 25
Am I limited to searching on two rows (fields)?
No, for complex searching you can add up to 5 rows
What are recommended ways to further narrow a search?