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Direct Linking to Library Resources

Directions for creating links to library databases, resources, and articles.

Direct Linking from Databases

Do you want to directly link to full-text articles in your courses?  

Many of the library's electronic resources provide direct linking capabilities. However, you cannot just simply copy the link up in the address bar and use that in your classroom.

There are two options for linking directly to full-text articles for your courses:

  1. Create a direct link (instructions below)
  2. Grab the stable URL (instructions to the left because this method varies according to the database interface)

Both options work well and it is up to you on which you would like to use.

Creating a Direct Link

Creating a direct link:

There are two pieces needed to create a direct link:

  1. The proxy URL makes it possible for SU users to login and access the resource both on and off campus:
  2. The stable URL within that database to the specific article you’re using – unique to each article or database: For example:   (Britannica Online)

The proxy URL is placed in front of the stable URL to create the direct link. For example, the direct link to Britannica Online:






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