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International Development Internship Program

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Business and Economics Librarian

Profile Photo
Jason Hall
Lemieux Library
Seattle University

2nd Floor Research Services
(206) 398-4484
Subjects: Business

Where do I find journal articles?

While international development is an interdisciplinary field, most databases of journal articles are not; instead, they collect articles from a single discipline such as economics or sociology. 


Business Source Complete & Academic Search Complete are top sources for international development. You can also find articles in Proquest databases.  Find international newspapers in LexisNexis.

Global environments. Search  information about  different environments which may effect issue globally.  Note: You may want to think of narrower concepts. Here are some examples....


Broad term:Politics> Corruption Bribery
Broad term: Environmental-> pollution irrigation- water pollution
Broad term: Economic-> wealth

poverty (conditon)


poor people

Broad term: Education-> literacy lteracy rates for girls
Broad term: Culture-> families gender

 Ex #1   Choose one of these topics to find articles in the databases

  • You want articles which will help you formulate recommendations for your organization. To start, look for articles which may evaluate NGO's.   TIP:  Use  both nongovernmental or nonprofit  as search terms.  Use synonyms or related terms for evaluate.   Use Both Business Source Complete  Academic Search Complete.  Other terms?
  • Use Proquest to find articles on abandoned children. You are interested in both why and where they are abandoned. For the "why" use terms which may trigger relationships or conditions (poverty, neglect  or HIV).  For the why try both broad regional terms and country terms, e.g. India, Bangladesh, Thailand
  • Try the same search in SOCINDEX wFulltext.