Photos from these copyright-free sources may be useful for a variety of projects.
They are generally free for non-commercial uses, such as educational purposes. However, be sure to check each web site for information about how to give proper credit for the images you use.
Always read and follow the use restrictions for each specific image source. Always give proper credit for images created by someone else.
If you need a photo for commercial use or publication, you might require a licensed image (sometimes called "stock photography"). These photos are not available unless you pay to license them. You can find licensed images from:
These sites search the web and/or multiple image databases.
Many image sites in the copyright-free photos box to the left provide Creative Commons photos.
Creative Commons is a nonprofit organization that "enables the sharing and use of creativity and knowledge through free legal tools" (quoted from
Creative Commons (CC) licenses allow people to grant permissions for others to use their creative work.