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Lemieux Library and McGoldrick Learning Commons


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Study Spaces


Lemieux Library and McGoldrick Learnings Commons has 6 floors of mixed-use study space including Groups and individual study rooms, cubicles, tables, computer labs, and reading rooms. 

Below you will find specific information about all the study spaces located in the building including space that are open 24 hours a day.

Please email Aaron Morgan, Manager Access Services or call 206-296-6235 with any questions concerning building questions including access and hours.

24/7 Spaces

24/7 study spaces are available, including: 

  • 1st Floor
    • Garden Reading Room 
  • 2nd Floor
    • Byte Café & Bangasser Reading Room
    • Online Research Computer Lab.

These spaces are open to the public during normal Library Services hours. Access to 24/7 spaces is limited to current SU students, staff, and faculty before or after library closing and require an active SU ID card to enter.

Computer Labs

The Library and Learning Commons houses three computer labs, and laptops are available for checkout at the 3rd Floor Circulation Desk. Computer Labs on the first and second floors are accessible 24/7 to students, faculty, and staff with a valid campus ID card.

Use of these computers is restricted to academic purposes and to Seattle University students, faculty, and staff (a Seattle University network ID and password is required). Computers are available on a first come, first served basis.

Group Study Room information and policies

Group Study General information and policies: 
  • Those using the rooms must adhere to this policy and to all Seattle University and Library policies.
  • The purpose of the Group Study Rooms is to enrich and support academics by providing space for self-directed study groups affiliated with Seattle University.
  • Group Study Rooms are open to Seattle University Alumni, students, staff and faculty use.
  • Rooms are accessible only during hours the library is open. For information on library hours please see the Library's Hours Page.
  • Group study rooms can be booked up to two weeks in advance for a maximum 2-hour duration. Rooms are intended for general use.  Attempts to monopolize rooms through overbooking or consecutive booking will be canceled.
  • Each room has a tailored corresponding kit of tech materials and supplies that can be checked out at the Circulation Desk on the 3rd floor of the library. These kits include white board makers and cleaners, remotes for the technology in the room, and HDMI and USB-C cables. A full list of what technology is available to use within the rooms can be found here.
  • To assure room reservations, groups should book rooms online through the booking page. Detailed instructions for using the booking page can be found here.
  • If a study room is not in use 15 minutes into the reserved period, the room may be used by another group for the duration of the reserved period.
  • These rooms are intended to be used for collaborative group study. We encourage individuals who want to study alone to use private study rooms or study carrels located on the 4th and 5th floors. We recommend individual users who want to watch Blu-ray / DVDs to use rooms 273 or 274. Portable Blu-ray / DVD players are also available to check out at the Circulation Desk on the 3rd floor to use in the library.
  • Rooms are not intended for recurring classroom instruction, or recurring faculty/staff meetings and will not accept recurring appointments. If faculty need a classroom or recurring meeting space, consult the Registrar or University Events.
  • Rooms cannot be used for Virtual testing, proctored or self-guided. 
  • Chartwell's catering and commercial deliveries of food are not allowed in Group Study Rooms.
  • Rooms 351, 366 and 369 are not Group Study Rooms. They are Instruction Rooms and are reserved for Library and Learning Commons teaching and programs.
  • Study Rooms are not soundproof. Please be conscientious of other patrons in the library and control the volume of conversations and the use of media devices.
  • Do not leave personal items or library materials in the rooms at the conclusion of use.  Laptops, backpacks, or other personal materials left unattended in the rooms will be reported to the SU Department of Public Safety for appropriate action. Library books left in the rooms will be retrieved by library staff, processed, and returned to the stacks.
  • Treat equipment and furniture in rooms with care. Please report misuse of, or damage to, the rooms to library staff at the Circulation desk located on the 3rd floor of the library. 
  • At the end of their scheduled time, groups are expected to clear rooms of trash and personal items, clean the whiteboard with the proper supplies, and return tables and chairs to their original positions. Groups or individuals using rooms cannot expect information on whiteboards to be saved after use.
  • In order to ensure a safe and secure environment for all users, do not cover, obscure, or block any windows in any of the rooms. 
  • Library staff will immediately report vandalism and disruptive behavior to the SU Department of Public Safety.

If you have questions, please visit the Circulation desk located on the 3rd floor of the library or call 206-296-6233. You can also send any questions or comments electronically by filling out this form. Please allow up to 24 hours for a response. 


How to book a group study room: 
  • There are three ways to reserve Group Study Rooms (GSRs) in the Lemieux Library and McGoldrick Learning Commons:
    • Advance Booking:
      •  Go to the booking page.
        • The default setting displays all the rooms that are bookable in the library.
        • You can tailor the room displayed by using the drop-down boxes that limit the "category of room" and "person capacity".
        • If you are booking a room for a specific date in the future, click the "go to date" button to open the Calendar to select any date up to two weeks in advance.
      • Click on the green box that corresponds to the start time of when you want to use the room.
        • A green box means the room is available, boxes that are orange and red are rooms not available for booking.
      • Once you click the green box corresponding to the start time of your meeting, you will be prompted to input an end time or length of time of your booking via a pull down menu at the bottom of the page.
        • Minimum meeting times for booking are 15 minutes, while the maximum length is 2 hours.
      • Once you set your time click on the blue "Submit times" button.
      • Once clicked, you will enter the booking details page. 
        • In order to finalize the room booking you will need to enter your full name and email contact.
        • Only SU email addresses are accepted for room bookings.
        • Additionally on this screen you can change the room, date, start, and finish time by clicking the "Change" button located to the right.
      • Click the blue "Submit my Booking" button when finished.
        • Once clicked you will get both a screen confirming your booking and an email confirmation. 
        • Your booking request did not go through if you do not get an email confirmation and/or a screen confirming your booking.
        • This screen also allows you to make another booking via the blue "Make another Booking Button."
    • Booking and Information Kiosk 
      • The room booking and information kiosk is located at the main library services points located at the far end of both the 2nd floor iDesk and the 3rd floor Circulation desk. This booking kiosk allows you to see available rooms in the building and book or reserve a room immediately, or up to two weeks in advance. The kiosk's interface is a mirror of the Advance book/ remote booking module available online. 
    • Reserve Now or ad-hoc booking
      • Go to the room you want to use:
        • If the panel is green, the room is available and not in use. There is a QR code on the panel that you will need to scan using a wireless device such as a phone or iPad. This will take you to the Room booking module.  Follow the instructions for Reserving a Group Study room in advance. After following that process your reservation will appear on the screen.
        • If the panel is yellow, the room has been booked and will be in use within 15 minutes. 
        • If the panel is red, the room is not available and is in use. If this room is not in use 15 minutes into the reserved period, it may be used by another group for the duration of the reserved period. To see all the available room in the building please visit the iDesk located on the 2nd floor or the Circulation Desk located on the 3rd floor. 


Library staff can assist and/or book rooms for you. Please visit either the 2nd floor iDesk, the 3rd floor circulation desk or call 206-296-6233 during library operational hours for assistance. 

Indvidual or single occupancy study Rooms

There are 49 private individual study rooms split up between the 4th and 5th floors for use by Students, staff, and Faculty and community members and/or the general public:

  • These rooms are only available during the normal service hours of the library. Please consult the library's hours page for hours information.
  • Rooms are available on a first come, first service basis and cannot be book in advance
  • Each room is equipped with a small desk and an overhead light and some of these rooms are equipped with a monitor and a HDMI cable to link your personal devices.
  • These rooms are not soundproof. Please be conscientious of other patrons in the library and control the volume of conversations and the use of media devices.
  • Occupancy is Limited to one person per room
  • In order to ensure a safe and secure environment for all users, do not cover, obscure, or block the window in the rooms.
  • Rooms cannot be used for some self-guided and proctored virtual tests such as the LSAT and GMAT. If you are looking for space to have a virtual test, please email the manager of Access Services
  • Do not leave personal items or library materials in the rooms at the conclusion of use.  Laptops, backpacks, or other personal materials left unattended in the rooms will be reported to the SU Department of Public Safety for appropriate action. Library books left in the rooms will be retrieved by library staff, processed, and returned to the stacks.

Other Study Spaces

There are a variety of other study spaces located throughout the 3rd- 5th floors of the library that include tables, casual seating and cubicles.  Specifics on number and type of spaces can be found per specific floor tab. 

ADA Rooms and Services

Three Individual study rooms ton both 4th and 5th floors numbered 421, 447, and 547 have a larger floor plan and are prioritized for use by students, staff, and faculty using mobility assistive devices. These three rooms are equipped with a motorized, height-adjusted table and docking station including monitor with HDMA cable. 

Room 210 located next to the computer lab on the 2nd floor, houses technology to assist people who are blind or visual impaired, including a digital magnifier and a computer equipped with a screen reader and speech text software. 

Please email Aaron Morgan, Manager Access Services or call 206-296-6235 with any questions concerning ADA services in the library including access and hours.