Our Subject Specialist Librarians can assist you with inquiries about finding and/or accessing resources, in-class instruction and curricular support, and research consultations. Each librarian is responsible for assigned schools, colleges, programs, and departments. A list of librarians and their specific subject assignments is available. If you have not already met your Subject Specialist Librarian, please feel free to email them directly or email askalibrarian@seattleu.edu for follow-up.
Faculty are welcome to borrow materials from Seattle University, from other libraries through Summit, and InterLibrary Loan. For more details on what you can borrow and how to do so, please see our Borrowing Guide.
Faculty may also exercise proxy borrowing privileges by designating another individual to pick up library materials on their behalf and enjoy reciprocal borrowing privileges at the libraries of member institutions of the Association of Jesuit Colleges and Universities.
Course Materials and Reserves
The Library offers physical course reserves and other options for connecting students with course materials. Visit our Course Reserves guide for information on how to make library materials available to students enrolled in their courses, and our guide to textbook options to see the different ways to use library and other materials in your courses.
Subject Librarians are available for consultations on low or no-cost materials for your course. This can include finding Open Educational Resources or identifying library materials that can be used as course materials.
Recommending Materials for the Library
Faculty are encouraged to suggest materials to be added to the library collection. You are welcome to suggest a purchase through our Recommend a Purchase form, or you can reach out to your Subject Specialist Librarian.
Librarians can work with you to integrate information literacy instruction sessions into your course. The aim of library instruction is to:
Synchronous instruction sessions are available upon faculty request. Librarians are available to meet you in the classroom, host sessions at the library, or meet virtually via Zoom. Librarians are also available to work with you to create asynchronous Canvas modules and/or tutorials for your students.
To schedule a library session, fill out a request for library instruction or contact your Liaison Librarian.
The Library's Research Services & Scholarly Services Departments can help guide you through all aspects of your research and scholarship, from idea development all the way to publication.
Please contact your Liaison Librarian or email askalibrarian@seattleu.edu if you need further support with your research, scholarship or creative works.
There is a helpful guide for identifying funding opportunities, including lists of:
The Library maintains short tutorials and how-tos on topics such as:
There is also a guide to help you find and understand different research or publication impact metrics, such as journal impact factor, researcher h-index, and more.
Seattle University’s institutional repository, ScholarWorks, highlights the work of Seattle University faculty, staff, and students as well as historical items from Lemieux Library archives. These materials are freely available online, and you are invited to view or contribute your own research or creative works, or ask questions about ScholarWorks by emailing scholarworks@seattleu.edu.
There are Library databases or resources that can help you with evaluating and comparing potential avenues for publication.
Remember: Contact your Liaison Librarian or email askalibrarian@seattleu.edu if you need further support with your research, scholarship or creative works.
The John Popko Faculty Lounge is a reading room on the 6th floor that is a dedicated faculty space for reading, conversation, and collaboration. Group Study Rooms are available to Alumni, students, faculty and staff, and can be reserved ahead of time or can be booked on an ad-hoc basis.
The Library Makerspaces empower the SU community by providing them with the resources to explore digital and physical making in a space that is grounded in inclusivity and open-mindedness.
Faculty are encouraged to contact the Manager of the Billodue Makerspace to discuss possible assignments for their course and/or to schedule a class visit.
Below are some scholarly and professional resources that may be of particular interest to faculty.