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Associate Librarian and Scholarly Services Librarian

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Yen Tran
Lemieux Library Second Floor iDesk
Subjects: Education, Social Work

How Do I Search in Academic Search Complete? Tutorial

Tutorial Transcript

Note to user: there is no voice narration in this video. All content is text and screencast demo with accompanying music.

Title slide: How do I search in Academic Search Complete? (The template includes the Seattle University logo and colors with the text Lemieux Library and McGoldrick Learning Commons.)

Second slide: Let’s start at the library’s home page.

Transition to the Lemieux Library website’s home page and zooms in to a box labeled Quick Links. A circle appears around a link titled Library Databases A to Z. Demo of mouse click on this link.

Transition to the Library Databases A to Z web page. A circle appears around the link to Academic Search Complete (EBSCO) that appears in a box titled Best Places to Start - Interdisciplinary Databases on the right hand side of the page. Demo of mouse click on this link.

Transition to the Academic Search Complete database.

Third slide: Start each search using keywords rather than questions or sentences.

Transition back to Academic Search Complete advanced search screen. Zoom in on keywords “environmental impact” entered into the search box. Demo of mouse click on the green Search button.

Transition to a list of results from this search.

Fourth slide: Add or change your keywords to focus your results.

Transition back to Academic Search Complete and list of results from the “environmental impact” search. The keyword “technology” is added to narrow and focus the search. Demo of mouse click on the green Search button. Circle appears around the number of results from the narrowed search which have dropped from 44, 151 to 10, 420.

To demonstrate other ways to focus the results of the search, the keyword “technology” is replaced with “cell phone batteries” and a new term “heavy metal disposal” is added. Demo of mouse click on the green Search button. The text “No results were found” is circled on the screen.

Fifth slide: Not getting good results?

  1. Check your spelling
  2. Remove a keyword or keywords
  3. Try a different search term

Transition back to Academic Search Complete where the keywords “cell phone batteries” and “heavy metal disposal” are removed and replaced with “cell phones”. The full search is now “environmental impact” and “cell phones”. Demo of mouse click on the green Search button. Circle appears around the number of results from the new search which have dropped to 48, a more manageable number.

Sixth slide: You can also use filters on the left sidebar to limit your results.

Seventh slide: Example: limit your search to scholarly (peer-reviewed) articles.

Transition back to Academic Search Complete where a circle appears around the check box labeled Scholarly (Peer Reviewed) Journals in the left sidebar. Demo of mouse click on this check box. Results update to include only those from scholarly (peer-reviewed) journals.

Eighth slide: Find an article on your topic? Check the Subject Terms for future keywords that you might use.

Transition back to Academic Search Complete and demo of mouse click on the first result in the list. This opens up a full record for the article. A box appears around a list of Subject Terms and Author-Supplied Keywords associated with that article.

Ninth slide: If an article looks useful, use the tools on the right sidebar to email, save or create a citation.

Transition back to Academic Search Complete. A box appears around the icons for Email, Save and Cite in the right sidebar.

Tenth slide: On the left sidebar will be a link to a PDF or a “Search for Full Text”.

Transition back to Academic Search Complete. A circle appears around first a PDF icon and then a Search for Full Text icon in the left sidebar.

Final slide: Questions? Call: (206) 296-6230, Email:

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