You can find articles on chemical topics and interdisciplinary science topics in several of these databases. Many of these databases have search tools that are specific to chemistry or other science subjects. You can request items that the library does not have access to through Interlibrary Loan at this link.
Search more than 5,000 titles, over 3,500 in full text. It features a mix of interdisciplinary scholarly journals, trade publications, magazines, and newspapers.
Another option for finding literature is browsing the physical shelves. Print materials are located on the 5th floor. The following call numbers are:
QB 1 - 991 | Astronomy |
QC 1 - 75 | General Physics |
QC 170 - 197 | Atomic Physics |
QC 350 - 467 | Optics |
QC 501 - 766 | Electricity and Magnetism |
QC 717.6 - 718.8 | Plasma Physics |
QC 770 - 798 | Nuclear and Particle Physics |