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GBUS5310 - Global Management

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Harvard Business Review, WSJ, and other publications

You will often be asked to read articles from the Harvard Business Review, Wall Street Journal, Economist, and other major business publications.

Harvard Business Review

The Harvard Business Review is a commonly requested publication. The link below will take you directly to the publication. You can either search for specific articles using the "Search within this publication" feature or browse the magazine using date menu on the right side. Note: Harvard Business Review does not allow permalinking or printing of articles.

Link to: Harvard Business Review

Additional Business Publications

To find a specific publication, use the e-journals library search tool to see whether online access is available. Enter the title of the journal, magazine, or newspaper. The publication will be available if there is an entry. Select the name of the publication and you will see options for online access.

Link to: E-Journal Library Search

Article Databases

The Library subscribes to four databases that focus on business publications. If you are doing research for a class, generally you want to search both ABI/INFORM Trade & Industry and Business Source Complete (BSC). While ABI/INFORM focuses on trade and professional literature and BSC on scholarly literature, there is overlap between the two and worthwhile to search both. If your research is economics focused, try EconLit with Full-Text. If your research is on local or Washington businesses, try Regional Business News.

Watch: Tips for searching Business Source Complete and ABI/INFORM Trade & Industry (11:00 minutes)

TIP: You can search across Business Source Complete, EconLit, and Regional Business News at the same time since they are provided by the same vendor, EBSCO. Watch this quick video to learn how.

Watch: Searching across multiple EBSCO databases (1:45 minutes)

Finding Full-Text from a Citation

Sometimes you will be given a list of articles to find from a syllabus or want to track down a reference in an article. Here is some general guidance on finding the full-text from a citation.

First, try Google Scholar. While we recommend searching the business article databases for articles since they provide better filters and tools, if you are looking for the full-text from a citation Google Scholar is the fastest way to determine whether the article is available from the Library or freely available online elsewhere. 

Watch: Searching for full-text using Google Scholar (3:00 minutes)

If Google Scholar does not show that the article is available from the Library or elsewhere you will need to request the article from Interlibrary Loan. By submitting a request, the Library will search for the article on your behalf and either obtain a copy from another library or purchase the article on your behalf. Generally, it takes two to three business days, but may be longer due to COVID related restrictions. There is no cost to this service and you will receive an email with a link to download the article when it is available. More information on Interlibrary Loan and instructions for sending a request can be found from the link below.

Link to: Interlibrary Loan