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UCOR 1440-04: European Witch Hunts (Tracey Pepper)


Martin Le Franc, Le Champion des Dames, Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, fr. 12476, f. 105v.
Fenster schließen


Evaluating: Starting Points

Always ask the question: "What is the purpose of this site?"  Is it meant to inform or is it advocating?  Does it have something to sell?

The "about us" or "our philosophy" can give you some useful information on a site.

You may also get a headstart on evaluating a website by noting the domain of your site. Here are some popular domains:

 .edu = education Usually a college, university or other educational site.

Could be the university's website, a faculty/research site or a student site.

These sites are generally considered reliable/factual.

Still be critical, a student paper on a .edu site may need further evaluation.

.org = organization

But can be any organization, not necessarily a nonprofit. Remember Wikipedia is an .org site

.com = commercial Commerical business site

 Usually selling a product or service.

 .net = network This domain was originally slated for network providers, but it is now used by individuals

 .gov = government  Domain used by the U.S. government.

 States and other jurisdictions add abbreviations for their locale

  Sites are generally reliable/descriptive, but still review and evaluate these sources.

.mil= military

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Mary Linden Sepulveda

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Mary Sepulveda

Coordinator of Collection Development, Special Collections & Archives