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Lemieux Library

ILL Quick Facts

ILLiad: The software used to manage ILL requests. You must register for an ILLiad account (one-time registration) before you can submit a request.

Due Dates: Due dates are determined by the lending library, so there is no standard checkout period for ILL materials.

Renewals: Renewals are granted at the discretion of the lending library. Renewals are usually not granted if the item is overdue, so it is recommended that you submit a renewal request before the item is due.

Recalls: The lending library may recall interlibrary loan materials at their discretion. Recalled materials must be returned to the Lemieux Library as soon as possible.

Returns: Loan materials borrowed through interlibrary loan must be returned to the Lemieux Library.

Overdue items: Materials not returned by the due date or recall date will result in the patron's ILLiad account being blocked, and fines may be assessed.

Electronic Delivery: Most copy requests are delivered as PDF files to your ILLiad account. Be sure to save the PDF file as it will be automatically deleted 30 days after delivery.

Problems: Please contact the Interlibrary Loan department as soon as possible. Do not contact the lending institution directly. We will work with the lender to resolve the problem. Our contact information is on the right side of this page.

Interlibrary Loan (ILL) Policy & FAQ

Interlibrary Loan (ILL) Policy & FAQ

What can be requested via Interlibrary Loan (ILL)?

Interlibrary Loan will help you obtain research materials not available at the Seattle University Libraries nor in the Summit catalog. However, some items might be difficult to obtain from other libraries, such as:

  • Reference materials
  • Theses or Dissertations
  • Whole volumes or issues of periodicals
  • Audiovisual materials
  • Rare, fragile or archival materials
  • Multi-volume sets
  • Recently published materials

If the material you have requested is owned by Seattle University Libraries or Summit, we will cancel your request and help you access the requested material in our collection.

Are there any restrictions on what can be requested through ILL?

Interlibrary Loan cannot be used as a substitute for buying textbooks or other course required materials.

How long does it take to get something via ILL?

Delivery time is dependent on the library sending the material, the availability of the requested material, and the accuracy of the details of your request.

ILL books and materials sent from local libraries can take at least a week to arrive. Materials sent from nonlocal libraries could take at least 2 weeks to arrive.

Journal articles usually arrive within three days, but can take up to 1-2 weeks to arrive.

How are ILLiad requests submitted?

Click here to learn how to submit requests for ILL materials.

How will I be notified?

All ILL material arrival notifications will be sent to your SU email account.

Where do I pick up ILL materials?

ILL books may be checked out at the Lemieux Library Circulation Desk.  Most journal articles will be made available via your ILLiad account, though copyright restrictions may occasionaly require us to give you a physical copy instead of electronic one. In that case, you may pick up the article at the Circulation Desk.

How long can I keep ILL materials?

Journal articles are yours to keep.

ILL material due dates are set by the lending library.  Renewals may be possible but can only be given by the lending library.  In order to renew ILL materials, you must log into your ILLiad account and request a renewal. Click here to learn how to request a renewal with your ILLiad account.

Renewals are not guaranteed and are not usually granted once the due date has passed.

Interlibrary Loan is a courtesy provided by the lending library and any conditions of use imposed by that library must be strictly observed.  All items are subject to immediate recall by the lending library.  Borrowed items kept overdue by patrons create critical problems for Interlibrary Loan service. Lending libraries may cease to lend to our institution until all overdue material is returned.

What are the overdue fines for ILL materials?

Overdue ILL materials are fined at $0.50 per day for the first ten days, and $1.00 per day for each day after that. ILL materials more than 7 days overdue are considered lost and you will be billed for the loss of the material.

How do copyright restrictions affect interlibrary loan?

The copyright law of the United States (Title 17, United States Code) governs the making of photocopies or other reproductions of copyrighted material. Under certain conditions specified in the law, libraries and archives are authorized to furnish a photocopy or other reproduction. One of these specified conditions is that the photocopy or other reproduction is not to be "used for any purpose other than private study, scholarship, or research." If a user makes a request for, or later uses, a photocopy or reproduction for purposes in excess of "fair use," that user may be liable for copyright infringement.

The Lemieux Library will make every effort to comply with federal copyright regulations as stated in Sections 107 and 108 of Title 17, United States Code.

Who can I contact about this policy?

If you have questions or comments about these ILL policies, feel free to contact our Interlibrary Loan Department.

Contact Us

Resource Sharing
Phone: (206) 296-6359
Fax: (206) 296-6224
ILL Office Hours:
Monday - Friday: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm