Searching For: | Where to Look: | What Search Terms to Use: | What to Look For: |
News Articles (Study Design) | Newspapers via library databases (ProQuest’s US Newsstream database works best for most projects). Only search the newspapers you chose in your study design (e.g. New York Times, Wall Street Journal, & USA Today). | The search terms from your study design—a term or set of terms that you’re confident would be in every newspaper article written about your event/issue but would eliminate most articles about other events/issues from the same time period. “Media” and “bias” should not be included in your search terms. | All of the newspaper articles that result from your study. You should narrow the date range and publications so you get between 20-40 articles. Read and analyze all of them to determine the answer to your research question and report your full results in your paper. Choose five of these 20-40 articles to analyze in your paper. |