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Mary Linden Sepulveda

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Mary Sepulveda

Coordinator of Collection Development, Special Collections & Archives

Books-Print and eBooks

Books - Print and eBooks

The library maintains an annual firm order fund to acquire recently published print or ebooks as one-time purchases for general collections that are aligned with and support the academic curriculum. The most intense collecting of print books is in the humanities and social sciences, with more selective acquisitions in the natural and health sciences and engineering.  For print books, hardback editions are preferred unless high cost is excessive. Print books on recreation, hobbies or popular fiction are typically not purchased unless they are recommended by faculty as course related.

Decisions about which books are acquired in print is increasingly influenced by certain commercial publishers, small presses, societies, or associations where print is the only option; or when considering the holdings of the Alliance Consortium libraries and collaborative threshold agreements for copies held.

Typically, a monograph title will not be purchased for the collection in both print and digital format. However, exceptions are made to accomodate a physical display in the library (eBook covers and QR codes are also appropriate options); or to provide print copy for the Provost Office display shelves honoring faculty and staff scholarship.  

In general, the library prefers digital or eBook editions for course reserves, textbooks or reference works that are updated regularly. Preference is given to electronic books that support multiple simultaneous users support of the library's service  goals to provide equitable access. 

Journals – Electronic and Print

Journals - Electronic 

Priority and preference to provide access to online journal content, book reviews, etc. is a key objective in managing the library budget and collection development goals.  As the budget allows, electronic backfiles of select titles are also purchased.

Journals – Print 

Fewer current, print subscriptions are maintained and many have limited backfiles. Overall, print journal titles are phased out annually as more titles become available in e-format.

New requests for print and online journal subscriptions are reviewed annually by the Collection Development Group (CDG). Occasionally, special circumstances may require a title to be reviewed or acquired outside the regular  review cycle. 

The following factors are considered when adding new journal subscriptions:

  • Electronic-only availability, including backfiles
  • Full-text availability
  • Inclusion in major online indexing and abstracting tools
  • Cost/available funds

Media – Streaming, DVD, VHS, Audio

Media – Streaming, DVD, VHS, Audio

Media in support of academic use is prioritized as follows and acquired from a variety of vendors:

  • Streaming media (Includes popular, classic, documentary films and discipline specific subject collections). The library’s collection prioritizes licensing of streaming services.   
  • DVD (Includes popular and classic films, documentary and educational subjects, and musical performances). DVD formats in all languages are purchased only as needed to support classroom teaching and learning. Selected donations of DVD titles are accepted if they meet general criteria for academic support.  Blu ray formats are purchased if requested by faculty.
  • Audio CDs (music and audiobooks purchased if requested by faculty
  • VHS videotapes. With commercial production of VHS VCR discontinued in 2016, the library is reviewing its VHS collection. Library equipment and campus-wide classrooms no longer support this format. Selected VHS titles are preserved on a case-by-case basis.  Rare exceptions accommodate purchase of VHS when it is the only format available for specific documentary subjects or foreign films in support of the curriculum.  



The library collection maintains select titles in microformats but no longer actively acquires them. One microform reader/printer is currently maintained in the library for public use. 



The library prioritizes online newspaper subscriptions in support of user preference. As much as possible, print subscriptions and/or backfiles are transferred to electronic-only format.  Requests for new print newspaper subscriptions, or any print journal subscription, are considered on a case-by-case basis and exceptions to the policy.  Select daily, local and regional newspapers are accessible online from the library homepage.  

The following factors are considered when adding new newspaper subscriptions:

  • Electronic-only availability, including backfiles
  • Full-text availability
  • Quality of images, photos 
  • Inclusion in major indexing and abstracting tools
  • Cost/available funds