How do I know who will be affected?
Anyone who uses RefWorks at Seattle University will be affected, and Seattle University RefWorks users will be notified of this upcoming transition.
What should I use instead of RefWorks?
There are several citation manager options available. The Lemieux Library recommends and provides support for Zotero, a free and open-source citation management tool with the same functions and features as RefWorks, including saving and organizing citations and creating in-text citations and references lists/bibliographies. This switch to supporting Zotero is in alignment with our commitment to open access initiatives.
If Zotero doesn't work for you there are other citation managers available, including EndNote and Mendeley. Some of these options require a subscription to use all the functions. University of Wisconsin-Madison has a helpful chart comparing several different citation managers.
What if I am currently writing a paper in RefWorks?
If you currently use the Write-N-Cite plug-in or you are in the middle of a writing project, you should try and finish before we end our access to RefWorks on December 31, 2024. It may also be worthwhile for you to consider moving to another citation management tool at this time if you have just begun your project.
I am an alum. Will I also lose access to my RefWorks account?
Yes, when we end our institutional subscription to RefWorks, everyone will lose access to their account and their citations. It is recommended that you migrate your RefWorks contents to a different citation management tool.
Is it possible to continue using RefWorks after the cancellation?
An institutional subscription to RefWorks is required for you to continue using RefWorks.
How do I get my references from RefWorks into my new citation manager?
Please refer to our export and migration references page for detailed information on migrating your references to other citation managers.
Can I transfer PDFs to my new citation manager?
RefWorks has an automatic bulk PDF export option, using Dropbox (instructions from Syracuse University). You will sync your RefWorks account with Dropbox. In Zotero, PDFs must be uploaded one at a time.
Can I transfer my folders and organization from RefWorks to my new citation manager?
Yes, you will export each RefWorks folder separately, creating your folder structure in your new citation manager as you go. In Zotero folders are called Collections.
If I have added notes and used custom fields in RefWorks, will these transfer to my new citation manager?
Notes and other custom fields will become child records in Zotero, nested under the main record. You might prefer manually copying content out of either PERSONAL NOTES or USER FIELDS and inserting it into equivalent fields in Zotero.
How do I export items from the Library's databases to my new citation manager?
Zotero can read BibTex and RIS files These file types are available from many of the library databases. You can also add the Zotero Connector to your preferred browser (Firefox, Chrome, Microsoft Edge, or Safari), to add items to your new citation manager in one click.
Can I export items from the Library Catalog to my new citation manager?
Yes, click on the "Export RIS" button to download an RIS file and then upload it into your citation manager.
How do I collaborate with others in my new citation manager?
You can accomplish this through "Group Libraries" in Zotero. If shared group access to one account in a citation manager is a priority for you, this may influence your choice of preferred tool. Different citation managers have different functions for collaboration. For instance, Zotero supports shared access for an unlimited number of persons. You can find more about sharing and collaborating in Zotero in our guide to Zotero.
Will the Library Offer Cloud Storage beyond 300 MB?
At this time the Library is not able to offer additional cloud storage beyond the free 300 MB available through a Zotero account. If you need additional cloud storage, Zotero has pricing plans for individuals or labs, or there are other citation manager tools that may better fit your cloud storage needs. University of Wisconsin-Madison has a helpful chart comparing several different citation managers.