EBSCO has updated their platform and now has a much cleaner interface, and some long called-for improvements such as the URL being a stable link! The library licenses many highly-used databases through EBSCO, including Academic Search Complete, Business Source Complete and CINAHL.
Find out more about the new interface here: *Collections update LibGuide*
Book a 1:1 demo with a librarian here: askalibrarian or reach out to request in-class demo through askalibrarian@seattleu.edu.
Join the Research Services on January 7th 12:30pm-1:30pm in LEML 351 or online to walk through the new interface together: Learn the new EBSCO interface!
Changes will also be coming to databases in our AM Explorer Collection provided by Adam Matthews - more details coming soon.
As we announced in Spring 2024; the institutional subscription to RefWorks ends December 31st, 2024.
Please migrate your content to an alternative – the library recommends Zotero, and has a number of workshops in Winter Quarter.
For more information about all these changes, please visit this guide, which we will continue to update with new information throughout the quarter