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Citation Manager: Zotero

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RefWorks to Zotero Transfer

Video Credit: Jim Dan Hill Library


  • Introduction: 0:00 - 0:19
  • Export References: 0:20 - 0:45
  • Import to Zotero: 0:46 - 1:12
  • Conclusion: 1:13 - 1:46

Migrating Endnote to Zotero

Zotero can't directly import “.enl” EndNote libraries, so the first step is exporting your library from EndNote. The best export format for this is XML.

With older EndNote libraries, it may be necessary to convert figures to attachments before you export. This is done by going to the References menu → Figure and selecting “Convert Figures to File Attachments…”.

  1. If you wish to export a subset of your EndNote library, select the entries you wish to export.

  2. Go to the File menu → Export. A dialog box will pop up asking you where to save the export file.

  3. Navigate to your EndNote data directory (typically, My Documents\endnote.Data). This directory contains a 'PDF' folder, but you should be sure to select the data directory rather than any subfolder.

    • This is important! Zotero will look for file attachments in a directory relative to the location of the exported XML file. If you save this file in the wrong spot, file attachments won't be included when you import into Zotero.

  4. For “Save as type:”, choose “XML”.

In Zotero, click “Import…” in the File menu. A dialog box will appear asking you to select the file to import. Navigate to the location where you exported your EndNote library (if you followed the above instructions, this should be My Documents\endnote.Data) and select the .xml file. Click Open.

  1. If you only want to export a subset of your library, check the “Export Selected References” box. Otherwise, make sure it is unchecked.

  2. Click “Save”.

  3. Close EndNote.

Migrating from Mendeley to Zotero

Zotero can directly import all data, including the full folder structure, from an online Mendeley library.

To import your Mendeley library, follow these steps:

  1. Make sure that all data and files have been synced to Mendeley servers.

    • If you use Mendeley Desktop, check your sync settings to make sure that data and files are being synced, and confirm that you can open PDFs in your online Mendeley library.

    • If you use Mendeley Reference Manager, your data and files are already all online.

  2. Make sure you're running at least Zotero 6, which contains the latest version of the importer as well as a new PDF reader that can display PDF annotations imported from Mendeley.

  3. Go to File → Import within Zotero and choose the “Mendeley Reference Manager (online import)” option.

You'll be asked to log in to Mendeley to allow Zotero to perform the import. Your Mendeley password is never seen or stored.

For additional support, please visit Zotero's help page for navigating from Mendeley to Zotero

Migrating from Scribbr to Zotero

Patrons using scribbr and transferring to Zotero will need to:

  1. Download/export your citations to a word document, the only way the Scribbr tool allows.
  2. Next, open a web browser and navigate to Anystyle
  3. Once your citation document is downloaded, open the document, copy, and paste the whole bibliography list into the web tool, AnyStyle, in the central ‘parse’ window.
  4. Tell the tool to parse the citations, and it will extract the citations into their metadata components as completely as possible.
  5. Download the metadata as a bibTex file (RIS file)
  6. Import your BibTex (.RIS) file into Zotero