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Upcoming Changes to Citation Managers

by Lydia Bello on 2024-03-22T11:25:33-07:00 in Research Tools | 0 Comments

text that reads "zotero" and text that reads "refworks". The word "refworks" is crossed out with an X shape. With consideration for rising costs, low usage, and the availability of free and open-source citation management tools, the Lemieux Library and McGoldrick Learning Commons will be cancelling our subscription to RefWorks effective December 31, 2024.     

The Library currently recommends and will continue to support Zotero, a free and open-source citation management tool with the same functions and features as RefWorks, including saving and organizing citations and the ability to create in-text citations for reference lists/bibliographies.  Our support of Zotero is in alignment with our commitment to open initiatives, as demonstrated by the Seattle University’s institutional repository, ScholarWorks, and the Library’s active leadership and support of the university’s Open Education Task Force.

If you use RefWorks and would like to save your citations, you have until December 31, 2024, to migrate your citations to another tool.  Beginning in Spring Quarter 2024, The Library will provide online and in-person support to assist students, faculty, and staff in selecting and exporting citation data to a citation manager of their choice.  For additional information on migrating your citations including making appointments, please visit the information page about the cancellation and FAQ.   

If you have any questions, please reach out to your subject liaison librarian or email

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