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AI and Librarianship: A Reading List

by Lydia Bello on 2023-06-23T14:25:51-07:00 | 0 Comments

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Over the past several weeks librarians from the Lemieux Library and McGoldrick Learning Commons have shared their professional thoughts about artificial intelligence and how these technologies are interacting with university libraries. This series covered implications and applications, from how AI is used in library resources and research apps, to AI hallucinations, to how you can ethically and responsibility use tools like ChatGPT.

This is not the end of conversations about AI, how it impacts our world, and how we engage with information. If you want to broaden your knowledge about AI and tools like ChatGPT, or learn about some of the other ways in which other digital tools affect how we find and engage with information, here is a beginning reading list to jump start your learning. All of these books are available at the Library! If you have any suggestions for this list, you are welcome to recommend books for the library to purchase.

Reading List

Bartneck, Lütge, C., Wagner, A., & Welsh, S. (2021). An Introduction to Ethics in Robotics and AI. Springer Nature.

Crawford, Kate (2021). Atlas of AI: power, politics, and the planetary costs of artificial intelligence. Yale University Press.

Coeckelbergh, Mark (2022). The political philosophy of AI : an introduction. Polity Press.

D’Ignazio, Catherine & Klein, L. F. (2020). Data feminism. The MIT Press.

Eubanks, Virginia. (2018). Automating inequality: how high-tech tools profile, police, and punish the poor. St. Martin’s Press.

Fry, Hannah. (2018). Hello world: being human in the age of algorithms. W.W. Norton & Company.

Noble, Safiya Umoja (2018). Algorithms of oppression: how search engines reinforce racism. New York University Press.

O’Neil, Cathy (2016). Weapons of math destruction: how big data increases inequality and threatens democracy. Crown.

Ruha, Benjamin. (2019). Race after technology : abolitionist tools for the new Jim code. Polity.


To see a handy list of the other blog posts in this series, check out our post on Reflections on AI and Librarianship!

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