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Lemieux Library and McGoldrick Learning Commons

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Learning Commons Partnership

With our Learning Commons Partnership, we offer a unique environment in which our students succeed in their academic programs and develop the attitudes and skills for a lifetime of intellectual vigor and continuous learning.

A-Z Database List

Full list of Databases the library subscribes to, including trial access.
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Library News & Updates

Library and Learning Commons: Virtual and 24/7 Spaces Only 2/5/25
Due to inclement weather the Library and Learning Commons are closed. All virtual services and 24/7 spaces will remain operational with SU ID cards needed for entry. Questions? Email
Shaped by Nature Exhibit at Gallery Two
Reflect on the deep bond between art, nature, & the human spirit during a time of uncertainty & change. Explore the beauty & resilience of the natural world as a source of inspiration amidst the complexities of an evolving political & social landscape.
Sasha taqʷšəblu LaPointe to kick off the Lushootseed Lecture Series
Acclaimed local author Sasha taqʷšəblu LaPointe will be the first guest speaker of the Lushootseed Lecture Series. She'll read from her memoir, Red Paint, as well as from her latest collection of essays, Thunder Song.
Unsung Poetry (Debut Event)
Tutoring Needs Assessment Blitz Week
Looking for Tutoring? Not sure where to start? Check out LAP's TNA Blitz to complete the first step needed for weekly tutoring. 1/13 – 1/17 via Zoom.
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