Assesses the economies of 125 countries using a combination of quanitative and qualitative data. Data are presented for institutions, infrastructure, macroeconomies, health, educaiton, market efficiency, technology, business sophistication and innovation. Country profiles contain data represented graphically as well as listing advantages and disadvantages of each country.
Online version of the Europa World Year Book, a source of information on world-wide affairs. Covers political and economic information in over 250 countries and territories, from Afghanistan to Zimbabwe.
Description and analysis of the historical setting and social, economic, political, and national security systems and institutions of countries throughout the world.
This online version of the second ed. reflects the changing world with a reassessment of many of the core themes of the previous edition, and new articles on the people, concepts, and events that have shaped the world since 1993.
Provides thorough information on the major aspects of each country's government and political party system. As a convenient, one-volume print source for global political information, each edition features country profiles.
The Statesman's year-book
Current year: 2nd Floor-Reference Books JA51.S7 [Print]
Statistical and historical annual of the states of the world
Information on the history, people, government, economy, geography, communications, transportation, military, and transnational issues for 266 world entities compiled by the CIA.
Presents the cultural similarities within a country that set it apart from others by examining over 200 countries to document the myriad ways in which culture defines and separates the nations of the world as much as geographical borders do