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Lemieux Library


The Lemieux Library is committed to supporting the educational needs of students. By purchasing a limited number of print or e-copies of required textbooks on a rolling basis, the Library hopes to relieve some of the financial burden students assume while attending Seattle University. Library staff will work with the Campus Store to identify print textbooks that meet the criteria below, and work with instructors to determine the optimum number of copies that will be needed to meet student demand for convenient access to the texts. This initiative to provide some print copies of textbooks complements the Library’s investment in open principles and practices.


  • Large enrollment classes: over 75 students (total enrollment in a quarter) OR 3+ sessions of a class within the same quarter

  • Cost of the textbook exceeds $75

Other Considerations:

  • Level of the course (sometimes determines likelihood of students preferring to purchase)

  • Student access to used books

  • Use of the same textbook across multiple classes/re-use of textbook across multiple quarters

  • Demand on Course Reserves