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Undergraduate Student Research Funding Opportunities

Research and conference travel awards available to all undergraduate students.

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Associate Librarian and Scholarly Services Librarian

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Yen Tran
Lemieux Library Second Floor iDesk
Subjects: Education, Social Work

Student riding a stationary bike and reading their physiological statistics

Large-scale or major research award (for summer)

Large-scale or major research award support student-driven, full-time immersive projects under the guidance of a Seattle University faculty research mentor over the summer.

  • Full-time (37.5 hours per week) for 10-week (one quarter) stipend for student at $6,000.
  • All undergraduate students are eligible to apply (consult the eligibility requirements for more details).
  • A research product and a presentation are required as part of receiving the award.

Application timeline for large-scale research awards:

  • Applications are reviewed at the beginning of spring quarter using an evaluation rubric.
  • Applications need to consist of a research proposal and letter of support from a faculty research mentor.
  • Depending on your topic, you may also need to include additional information with your application (see below).

Application deadlines:

Applications need to be received the quarter before the research would begin. The deadlines for the 2024-2025 academic year:

  • For project that begins in winter quarter: October 24, 2024
  • For project that begins in spring quarter: February 3, 2025
  • For project that begins in summer quarter: April 28, 2025

Proposal requirements:

The proposal should be a maximum of 5 pages single spaced. Please be sure to write your proposal for an audience unfamiliar with the topic.

Please include the following in the proposal:

  • Introduction: Identify the significance and purpose of the project, such as how the project contributes to significant questions or knowledge in the discipline.
  • Project Description: Information about the project including goals, methodology, expected results, and timeline.
  • Detailed Budget: Provide an itemized budget.
  • Research Experience: Briefly describe your experience conducting research. If no specific experience, describe how you would ensure success in completing the research project.

Faculty mentor letter of support:

It is highly recommend that a faculty mentor supporting a student researcher should review the IRB's Guidance for Faculty and Staff Advisers of Student Research page. Please share with this information with your faculty mentor.

A faculty mentor letter of support is required for all research award proposals. The faculty letter of support should include:

  • Explicit endorsement of the research you plan on doing.
  • How they will be supporting you with and throughout the research project.
  • How your research project contributes to your academic or professional development.
  • Honest assessment of your ability to complete the research project as proposed.

Potential additional application information required:

  • Institutional Review Board (IRB) approval for human subjects research: If your project involves interviewing, observing, or otherwise working with human subjects (people), you must determine if your project requires IRB review and approval. Federal law and university policy require IRB approval before human subjects research can begin. Additionally, you will also need to complete the Human Participant Training Program through CITI certification as part of the IRB review application. The IRB approval letter will need to be submitted with your proposal materials if it is required.

  • Additional letters of support: For students partnering with off-campus organizations for their projects (e.g. archives, hospitals, nonprofits, community organizations), you must submit in your award application a brief letter of support from your field contact to demonstrate that you have established communication and are equipped to execute the project with their support. If there are multiple points of contact, only one is required. These letters of support should include the following:
    • Date of correspondence
    • Indicates access to a research resource and clearly states what that resource is
    • Contact information of your primary contact

Large-scale research award policies:

  • The large-scale research award project is a full-time opportunity. Full-time engagement is defined as 37.5 hours per week over the 10-week summer quarter. Students and faculty mentors should confer and agree upon any significant time commitments outside of this defined project engagement.
  • Students may receive both academic units and a stipend for any single project activity.
  • Large-scale research award recipients are not permitted to engage in another full-time internship, job, or volunteer opportunity (whether funded by SU or otherwise), unless their faculty mentors or program coordinators have approved these arrangements.