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Lemieux Library

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General Collections

Are there books, ebooks, videos, or other resources that would support your teaching or learning? Students, faculty, and staff are welcome to recommend a purchase. Please use the form below or contact a subject librarian.

Racial Equity Resources

In the wake of Seattle University’s Racial Equity Summit, ongoing racial violence, and in this moment of national reckoning, the Lemieux Library and McGoldrick Learning Commons has launched a Racial Equity Resources: Recommend a Purchase initiative. Library Faculty and staff invite students, faculty, and staff to recommend resources that speak to racial equity, racial justice, antiracism, and social justice. 

We welcome your recommendations for new library materials that speak to racial equity, racial justice, antiracism, and social justice to help grow inclusive excellence in our collections. Recommend a book, ebook, video, for purchase by the Library at the form below.

Recommend a Purchase