What is the Student Resource Network?
The Student Resource Network represents our community of on-ground student facing service desks across the Seattle University Campus. Our mission is to help provide a consistent experience for our students, faculty and staff, and a place where any student can ask any question. The Student Resource Network is comprised of various student support services here on campus. It is supported by a our frontline team of Peer Advocates, who are trained to help with basic research services and referrals, and work mainly at the iDesk located in the Lemieux Library.
What is the iDesk?
The iDesk is a referral and resource desk located on the second floor of the library where Peer Advocates help students, faculty and staff answer campus and library questions, get resources, and find information.
The iDesk is open 7 days a week, Monday through Friday 10am-5pm, Saturday from 11am-4pm, and on Sunday from 1pm–6pm. You can also email us at studentsupportcenter@seattleu.edu.
What can the peer advocates help with?
Who are the main Student Resource Network Partners?